Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Ideal Place to Live

Alright, so you want me to type about my ideal place to live.  My fantasy habitat.  Quite honestly I'm happy where I am at home.  I have few to no complaints.  I love my family, I have a decent job, it's not too far away from school, and I love my friends that live here.  It can be both snowy and sunny and has some of the best sports teams in the nation in Football, Hockey, and most definitely Pittsburgh baseball.  (Go Pirates)  (not really.  They suck for those of you that don't know)  (Pirates are pretty cool though.)  (So at least I like their logo.)  (This is way off topic and has no need for parentheses.)  [Brackets?]  (Not really needed either.)

Alright so that was a boring entry.  Yeah, I'm pretty content with where I live but that's stupid.  I mean it doesn't really matter how good things get, they could always get better, right?  So yeah right now I live 20 minutes north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  I love the town but it could have steadier weather.  If someone could take Allegheny County, lift it up somehow, and place it right north of LA, California, and change it to Pittsburgh, California that'd be great. Why?  Well like I said, I love the people here but as some of you may or may not know I'm a video production major.  Eventually if I'd like to be successful one day, I'm going to have to work in LA, which is extremely far away from a place I like to call home.  I do and don't look forward to the day I move down there.  But there are other reasons I'd rather be in California.  Well I'm a snowboarder that loves nice, sunny weather.  To be honest if I had to pick one, it would snow all day every day, but if I could take the laws of physics and kick Galileo and his theories in the face, I would make it so that snow would occur when temperatures were above freezing.  But since that's not physically possible (mainly because time travel does not exist and I can't go back in time to kick Galileo in the face to make this change occur) [Brackets?] (no),  I'd want to live in California where sunny, surf-able beaches and longboard-able boardwalks coexist in harmony with Big Bear Mountain and some of the greatest power in America to snowboard on.

Alright, so now my fantasy location has been established, what else could I possibly want now?  Well I'd like to live next to Morgan Freeman and Jackie Chan.  Even better, be their roommates.  We would all hang out, Freeman would tell me bedtime stories and slowly wake me up with his beautiful beautiful voice, and Jackie Chan would protect me and make me breakfast.  For some reason in my fantasy he can make good breakfast and has nothing to do with stunts and fighting.  It would no longer be a law to wear clothes outside.  You could if you preferred, but if you didn't, that'd be okay too!  This isn't my way of saying I'd like to see Morgan Freeman and Jackie Chan naked.  The things I'm listing are completely unrelated.  I just like being naked.  Is this too much information?  I don't care, I'm not in class.  I'm probably making someone read all of this ridiculous non-sense right now and it's making them and the classroom hilariously uncomfortable.  I am a terrible, terrible person and I am way off topic.  Also, if this is Amanda reading then I'm terribly terribly sorry and I hope you don't fail me.  But I can make you say anything.  Hamburgers.  Octopus.  Ah yes, that reminds me, means of transportation.  I'd like to get around my fantasy city by motorcycle, helicopter, and boat.  I guess in my dreams California also kind of looks like Venice, so I could just hop on a gondola to get to work.

Also I dont know if you know what I'm talking about when I mention the character vector from Despicable Me, but he has a house in the movie that.. well I'll find a video clip.

I can't find a video clip.  But here's a picture.

Under that pimp couch he's sitting on lies a floor with a badass shark in it.  The floor is made of glass and underneath is a ton of water where a shark lives.  I want that house.

I'm pretty much done now.  This blog is getting out of hand.  Good night.  Or evening.  Bye. Words.

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